Dermatology, Venereology & Leprosy
This is a branch of medicine that deals with Skin related diseases. Top dermatologists treat various skin conditions both through medical and surgical processes. They take care of diseases as well as certain cosmetic problems of the skin, scalp, hair and nails.
Our Team

Dr. Rashmi Jindal
Professor & Head

Dr. (Brig) Yashwant Singh Bisht

Dr. Samarjit Roy

Dr. (Maj.) Ruchi Hemdani
Assistant Professor
Common Skin Ailments include :
Acne | Vitiligo | Eczema |
Rosace | Psoriasis | Wrinkles |
Melasma | Dry Skin | Cold Sores |
Skin Infection | Warts | Contact Dermatitis |
Skin Tags | Skin Allergy | Hair Loss |
Common Venereal Diseases include :
Syphilis | Gonorrhea | HIV/AIDS |
Genital Herpes | Chlamydia | Human Papillomavirus Infection (HPV) |
Department of Dermatology is one of the pioneering departments of HIMS, where the ingenuity, diligence and perseverance of its members have helped carve a niche. The department has three faculty members and two senior residents. Post-graduation in Dermatology was started in the year 2014 with one seat, and from 2021 the numbers of seats increased to three per year.
Dr. Rashmi Jindal is presently the head of the department with proficiency in managing Leprosy and Chronic Skin Diseases such as Hand Eczema. She has played a pivotal role in bringing awareness amongst masses regarding maintenance of skin barrier during covid times, when frequent hand washing caused numerous skin complications. She is also the convener of the national IADVL Academy and manages academic activities conducted by the Indian Association of Dermatology, Venereology & Leprosy.
Dr. Y. S. Bisht is one of the leading experts who specialize in treating Sexually Transmitted Diseases, in which prompt microscopy and serological tests help diagnose atypical/doubtful cases.
Dr. S. Roy spearheaded the establishment of the Department of Dermatology at HIMS. With 17 years of experience in this institute, he has managed to create a special place not only in the hearts of his patients but also the post-graduate students. His expertise in the basics of Dermatology and unique teaching skills, especially in the dermatological emergencies such as Pemphigus and SJS/TEN have saved many lives and also guided students tackle such situations with poise and mindfulness
The contribution of all the doctors towards academics - be it clinical dermatology, histopathology, dermatoscopy via OPDs and IPDs is exceptional. The framework of the post graduate training protocol comprises of regular seminars, group discussions, case presentations, journal clubs, monthly tests and sessional exams wherein every student is paid attention to and helped in strategizing a specialized path.
Our students have represented the institute at various state, national and international conferences through participation in various activities and earned numerous accolades. The members ace academic and research-oriented work on a regular basis. Innumerable studies have been done and published that gained due recognition in the dermatology world
The department excels at managing many skin diseases such as psoriasis, chronic eczema, lichenplanus, connective tissue diseases.
Psoriasis is a skin disease that causes a rash with itchy, scaly patches, most commonly on the knees, elbows, trunk and scalp. The condition tends to go through cycles, flaring for a few weeks or months, then subsiding for a while. Common triggers in people with a genetic predisposition to psoriasis include infections, cuts or burns, and certain medications.
Multiple treatments such as Apremilast, Methotrexate and newer entities - Injection Secukinumab, Injection Adalimumab are also available to help the diseased
Eczema is a condition in which patches of skin become inflamed, itchy, cracked, and rough. Certain foods, such as nuts and dairy, can trigger symptoms of eczema. Environmental triggers can include smoke, pollen, soaps, and fragrances. Eczema is not contagious. Taking lukewarm baths, applying moisturizer within 3 minutes of bathing to 'lock in' moisture.
Wearing cotton and soft fabrics, avoiding rough, scratchy fibers and tight fitting clothing , using a humidifier in dry or cold weather, using a mild soap or a non-soap cleanser when washing and keeping fingernails short are some of the preventive measures that patient should adopt.
Common infections like Dermatophytosis, Scabies, Bullous and non -bullous Impetigo, Cellulitis, Erysipelas are also treated with expertise
Tinea is a fungal infection of the skin. Tinea is also known as ringworm. This is because it can cause red patches on the skin in the shape of rings. Different types of fungi cause it. Tinea infection can affect any part of the body. But it most often occurs in moist areas of the body and around hair.
The fungus can be spread from person to person. Keep the part of your body that has ringworm clean and dry. General measures advised are - Use a different towel to dry the rest of your body to prevent spreading the ringworm. Wash towels in hot, soapy water and take medications as prescribed by doctor.
Scabies is an itchy skin rash caused by a tiny burrowing mites. Scabies is contagious and can spread quickly through close person-to-person contact in a family, childcare group, school class, nursing home or prison. Because scabies spreads so easily, health care providers often recommend treating the entire family or any close contacts.
Scabies is easily treated with medicated skin creams or pills kill the mites. But itching may not stop for many weeks after treatment.The significance of hygiene maintenance for such diseases in preventing relapse and spread to other family members is also stressed upon during doctor-patient interaction.
Immunobullous Diseases
Immunobullousdiseases like pemphigus vulgaris with DCP therapy have been treated effectively by the department for last 10 years. Now advanced treatment with Inj. Rituximab is also being provided for the same at HIMS.
State of the art medical treatment has been introduced for diseases such as Psoriasis - InjSecukinumab, InjAdalimumab, Alopecia areata - oral Tofacitinib, Andro-genetic alopecia - oral Finasteride, Inj. PRP, Melasma - Oral Tranexamic acid, Vampire facial just to name a few.
Dermatosurgery & Cosmetics
We have also kept ourselves abreast with the latest advancements in the field of Dermatosurgery and Cosmetics.
Laser Therapy
Laser Therapy is a new feather in our cap which was introduced 2 years back by which hundreds of patients have been benefitted with cure/improvement in melasma, dyspigmentation, freckles, naevi, acne scars, traumatic scars, hirsutism etc.
Many Vitiligo patients have also got treated with PUVA Therapy and Suction Blister Grafting. Common ailments such as warts are treated successfully with Inj. MMR, Autoinoculation. Localized PRF injections are given for chronic non- healing ulcers due to diabetes, leprosy or peripheral vascular disease.
As for dermatological emergencies such as SJS/TEN, we have never refrained from admitting and taking prompt action with strict barrier nursing for skin care and proper monitoring of vital statistics for adequate management of such critical patients.
This is a bacterial infection that usually spreads by sexual contact and starts as a painless sore. It develops in stages and symptoms vary with each stage. It requires a medical diagnosis. The first stage involves a painless sore on the genitals, rectum or mouth. After the initial sore heals, the second stage is characterized by a rash.
Then, there are no symptoms until the final stage, which may occur years later. This final stage can result in damage to the brain, nerves, eyes or heart. This disease is treated with penicillin. Sexual partners too should be treated.
Gonorrhea is a sexually transmitted bacterial infection. If left treated it may cause infertility. It is usually super easy to get rid of. The doctors to treat this infection normally prescribe antibiotics. Some strains of gonorrhea combat the antibiotics and are difficult to treat, so your doctor may decide to administer two antibiotics, in shot and pill form.
This is a common, sexually transmitted infection that may not cause symptoms. It affects individuals of all ages but is common in young women. It spreads by sexual contact and is treatable by a medical professional upon diagnosis. It cures within days to weeks. Lab tests or imaging always recommended
Human Papillomavirus Infection (HPV)
This is an infection that causes warts in various parts of the body, depending on the type and intensity of strain. HPV is amongst the most common sexually transmitted infection. This infection is chronic and can be a lifelong ailment, but treatment can considerably help. It requires a medical diagnosis
Genital Herpes and HIV/AIDS
Those afflicted with genital herpes face greater risk of being infected with HIV, the virus that causes AIDS. It is known to cause grave problems for people living with HIV (human immunodeficiency virus)
People who have genital herpes sores are more likely to be infected with HIV during intercourse
Typically, symptomatic herpes lesions in an HIV-infected person respond to episodic therapy in two weeks, whereas HIV-uninfected adults will usually have complete resolution of lesions within a week. Episodic treatment can be started with acyclovir, valacyclovir, or famciclovir
Different days of a week are designated for different speciality clinics such as :
- Psoriasis, contact dermatitis on Tuesdays
- Autoimmune disorders and Vesicobullous disorders on Wednesdays
- Leprosy on Thursdays
- Vitiligo and pigmentary clinics on Fridays
- Sexually transmitted diseases on Saturdays