


Ophthalmology is a surgical subspecialty within medicine that relates to diagnosis and treatment of eye conditions. Ophthalmologists are doctors who cure disorders of the eyes, combining medical and surgical skills.

Common Eye Ailments include: Cataract, Retinal disease, Glaucoma, Corneal Disease, Refractive Errors, Age-related Muscular Degeneration, Diabetic Retinopathy, Amblyopia, Strabismus.

Our Team

Dr. Renu Dhasmana

Dr. Renu Dhasmana

Professor & Head

Dr. Harsh Bahadur

Dr. Harsh Bahadur


Dr. Sukhdeep Bains

Dr. Sukhdeep Bains

Assistant Professor

Dr. Rashmi Malhotra

Dr. Rashmi Malhotra

Assistant Professor

The department comprises of experienced doctors, optometrists, technicians and support staff. Department of Ophthalmology provides comprehensive Eye Care with both outpatient& inpatient services in place. It covers all subspecialties of ophthalmology through its sub specialty clinics.

Vitreoretinal Services are provided by experienced vitreoretinal surgeons,from Sankara Nethralaya, Chennai). For Diagnostic retinal condition, Indirect Ophthalmoscope, OCT & FFA are resorted to. For surgical Management retinal lasers, vitrectomy machine (Accurus from ALCON), Microscope with BIOM attachment are pressed into service. Medical and surgical management of diabetic retinopathy, retinal detachment, age related macular degeneration and retinopathy of prematurity are all remedied using advanced levels of treatment.

Experienced cataract surgeons perform cataract surgery. Phacoemulsification is conducted under topical anesthesia. Surgery is sutureless with no bandage. Patients can be discharged on the same day. Advanced intra ocular lenses are put to use, to provide quality vision for distant and near(Mulifocal lens, toric intraocular lens) field of vision. Secondary IOL implantation and complicated cataract surgeries are also carried out. Facility for pediatric cataract surgery and its visual rehabilitation is available.

The Pediatric Ophthalmology Unit is the first of its kind in the state, managed by pediatric ophthalmologists (trained from Sankara Nethralaya, Chennai). Pediatric Ophthalmologists work for proper neurological development of vision with other sub specialties.

In the assessment of visual milestone in pediatric age groups (Birth to 16 years), optimum steps are taken to facilitate the required vision for the pediatric age. The following services are in place

  • Vision assessment in newborn and preverbal children
  • Refractive error (specially newborn and preverbal children)
  • Amblyopia (lazy eye) prevention and management
  • Visual development in special needs children (cerebral visual impairment)

The Glaucoma Unit provides advanced, diagnostic and management options for glaucoma including medical and surgical treatment. Experts from PGI, Chandigarh manage both adult and pediatric glaucoma.

  • Diagnostic evaluation tools includes
    • Applanation tonometry for IOP measurement
    • Gonioscopy for assessment of angles and classifying glaucoma
    • Visual fields
    • OCT (glaucoma modules)
    • ONH documentations by disc photography
  • Lasers are routinely used for managing patients including laser peripheral iridotomy, Iridoplasty
  • Surgical procedures offered are
    • Trabeculotomy
    • Combined cataract and glaucoma surgery
    • Trabeculotomy for pediatric glaucoma
    • Valve implants for recalcitrant and failed Trabeculectomy cases

The Department houses the first recognized Eye Bank of Uttarakhand. It has been piloting a successful hospital based corneal retrieval program since 2005. Experienced cornea surgeons performKeratoplastyroutinely. Specular microscopy aids in assessment and better utilization of the donor cornea, Optical & therapeutic Keratoplasty facilities are available.

Oculoplasty facilities are provided by experienced Oculoplasty Surgeons (trained from Aravind Eye Hospital, Madurai). Adult and Pediatric Oculoplasty services too are available

  • Ptosis correction (drooping of eyelid)
  • Enucleation
  • Eye prosthesis
  • Blepharoplasty
  • Surgery for lid retraction
  • Eviseration with implant
  • Surgeries of Orbital tumour
  • Inj. Botox
  • Treatment for watering of eye (probing, syringing, punctoplasty, DCR, DCT and intubation facilities)
  • Exenteration
  • Anophthalmic socket management

Surgical procedures for Squint correction are in place, for both pediatric and adult age groups.

Low vision aids & contact lens units are open daily.