This relates to the treatment of ailments of the digestive system. It treats diseases of the esophagus, stomach, small intestine, colon and rectum, pancreas, gallbladder, bile ducts and liver, gastric and duodenal ulcers, malignant tumors, inflammatory bowel diseases, colorectal cancer and rectal disorders.
Our Team

Dr. Saurabh Singh
Associate Professor
Liver Related Ailments
- Jaundice, Itching, Hepatitis, Fatty Liver, Alcohol related Liver Disease (ALD)
- Complications of Chronic Liver Failure (CLD/ Cirrhosis) like abdominal distension (Ascites), blood vomiting (Hematemesis), altered sensorium (Hepatic Encepalopathy)
- Liver Infections like Hepatitis, Liver abscess, Hydatid Cyst
- Metabolic and Genetic Liver Diseases like Wilson Disease, BRIC, PFIC
- Cysts & Tumors/ Cancer etc.

Gall Bladder Related Ailments
- Gall Stones, CBD Stones, Cyst & Tumors/ Cancer etc.
- Pancreas Related Issues- Acute Pancreatitis, Chronic Pancreatitis, Pancreatic Cyst & Tumor/ Cancer etc
UGI Endoscopy, Colonoscopy, Sigmoidoscopy, H Pylori testing (RUT), Polypectomy, Management of GI Bleed (blood vomiting, blood in stools, black coloured motions, anemia), Foreign Body Removal, PEG Tube Placement and Removal, Esophageal Stricture Dilatation, CRE Balloon Dilatation for Achalasia, ERCP, Biliary and Esophageal Stent (SEMS) Placement etc.
The fully integrated care includes skilled Doctors, Nurses, Dietitian, Diagnostic & Interventional Radiology, Advanced Endoscopic Equipment under one roof for the quality care and better patient experience.
- Endoscopies – Gastroscopy, Duodenoscopy & Enteroscopy
- Colonoscopy
- Endoscopic Ultra Sound (EUS) including FNAC & Biopsies
- ERCP (Endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography)
- Capsule endoscopy
- Therapeutic procedures such as:
Treatment of GI (gastro-intestinal) bleed Variceal banding Polypectomies Endoscopic Mucosal Resection(EMR) Balloon dilatation of strictures and achalasia Foreign body removal GI (gastro-intestinal) stenting Biliary procedures such as gall stone removal and stenting of CBD Percutaneous Endoscopic Gastrostomy (PEG) tube placement Evaluation of Motility diseases and Functional Gastrointestinal Disorders High resolution oesophageal impedance manometry High resolution anorectalmanometry Ambulatory pH and impedance testing Hydrogen and methane breath test Urea breath test - Management of acute/life threatening conditions such as acute liver failure, GI bleed, acute pancreatitis, acute colitis, biliary sepsis, etc