Dietary department is concerned with maintaining the nutritional health of patients. It connects diet and disease for the healing process. Patients are educated on the importance of food in the curing process. The department provides diet counseling that includes meal planning and nutritional guidance to help prevent diet-related diseases.
A balanced diet in terms of calories, proteins, fats, carbohydrate minerals electrolyte and vitamins is essential for a healthy life. A proper diet provides the daily requirement of nutrient to the body, thus enhancing the immunity of the person.
The dietetics department at Himalayan Hospital strives to establish and good nutrition provide good nutrition care to the patient and normal individual. The department also provides diet counselling for different type of diseases like
Different Diseases include :
- Diabetes
- Cancer
- Migraine
- Burn Patient
- Allergic Diet
- Weight Management
- Organ transplant
- Cardiac Disorder
- Kidney Disease
- Liver Disease
- Paediatric Diet
- Endocrine Disorder Diet
- Diet Information Related Different Surgery
- Diet Related to Pregnancy and Lactation
- Diet counseling
- Free diet counseling in camp organized by Himalayan Hospital
- Free diet counseling for poor people
- Create awareness among poor people through participation a different program, specially for woman and children
Diet Counseling
Patients are regularly counseled to enlighten on the importance of consumption of appropriate diet based on their diagnosis and health condition both as a curative and preventive measure. On discharge, patients needing modification in their diets are educated and provided a detailed diet chart.