


Pharmacy is the science and art that is involved with the amalgam and standardization of drugs. Its purview is wide and involves cultivation of plants to source out drugs, blending of chemical compounds that have medicinal value, and investigation of medicinal agents.

Pharmacists are responsible for the composition of dosage forms of drugs, including tablets, capsules and hygienic solutions for injections.

The pharmacy at Himalayan Hospital is well stacked with major and rare drugs as well as surgical materials. Our quality control process ensures that there is no product in stock post expiry period. The stocking of drugs is managed efficiently to ensure there is no shortage or unavailability of any drug anytime.

Our pharmacy staff has received training to perform their duties with efficiency and accuracy. We are striving to have effective and stringent procurement and supply system for drugs and medical items /equipment’s to the hospital and polyclinics.

A hospital pharmacy department typically comprises of pharmacists and pharmacy technicians, who undertake a variety of clinical and non-clinical tasks including:

  • Procuring, compounding and dispensing medicines
  • Advising healthcare professionals and patients on safe, effective and quality use of medicines.

The duties and responsibilities of a hospital pharmacists are :

  • Compounding and dispensing for indoor and outdoor patient departments.
  • Preparation and sterilization of injectable medications
  • Filing and labeling of medical stocks
  • Proper maintenance of records (especially narcotic medications)
  • Maintaining sufficient stock of emergency medicines
  • Conducting quality check of the source of purchase (medicines, antibiotics, biological products and other pharmaceutical items)
  • Sharing details of medicine to doctors, specialists, interns, and nurses.
  • Planning and executing the pharmacy & therapeutic committee.
  • Ensuring that the supply of medicines is within the law
  • Making sure that the prescribed medications are suitable for the patients
  • Advising patients according to their symptoms ( how & when to take them, possible reactions, pre-allergy information, answering patient’s doubts and so on)
  • Supporting patients to make healthier choices, directing them towards nutritious diet and suitable exercises.

Key Features :

  • Pharmacy outlet at hospital is conveniently located within the hospital premises. OP Pharmacy is open 24/7.
  • The pharmacy is well stocked with major and rare drugs as well as surgical disposables & materials. Our quality control process ensures that the drug is safe and effective.
  • We procure drugs from reputed & reliable companies.
  • We provide bedside drugs delivery services for in-patients.
  • We store the drugs as per the prescribed norms

Our Value Added Services :

24hrs Pharmacy 24x7 Helpline services
Cashless transactions Online payment facilities